The GREGS are at it again


The outdoors and practicing law go hand-in-hand, for Greg Von Krosigk and Greg Weisz.  However, do you know the other similarities the Gregs share?

Drumroll please…… The Gregs Top 10!

  1. They both have initial nicknames at the office: GVK and GW.
  2. They both like to hunt.
  3. They both like to fish.
  4. They both get oddly excited over a good real estate transaction.
  5. They both held the highest scores (#1 and #2) on their bar exams.
  6. They both are Rotarians.
  7. They both appreciate a good whiskey.
  8. They both really enjoy the practice of law.
  9. They both are the most senior member and most junior member of their offices.
  10. They both give all they’ve got to their clients, the firm, their cases and their families.

To read more about GVK, click here.  To read more about GW, click here.